Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hello think its time to get with the ages and do the blog thing . I dont type or spell good and my grammer really sucks, but here goes.  I have been working 60 plus hrs a week,  have not seen  jordy in over a month, mostly because my truck has been in the tranny shop for the last month.  got a new tranny but could not achieve overdrive, was  told  it  was  a   ECM   problem  and  i needed to  take  it to a dealer to fix the problem.   dealer told me  it  was  in the tranny  and i  had  to take it back  to  tranny  shop.   took  it  back  to  tranny  shop  and  was  again  told it was the ECM (Electronic control module)  .   In the  mean  time  i have an extended  warranty  trying to get out of paying for this repair, they paid for the tranny but are balking hardcore at the ECM issue.  6 weeks i have been without my truck until today, I had to finally buy a remaned ECM on line and have the tranny shop install it ,,,,,,   It works  like a dream,   so now i have to battle the  warrenty outfit for to get my money back.   wish me luck.    hope to see my son soon.      On an other note  Donna and I are split up .  This has been hard for me , I miss my life with her and the puppies .  Am in a  small apt.  in midwest, wy. this is only a mile from my work.  Dont know what is going to happen  but as my dad told me things will get better  one way or another.  I would like very much to come to Emmett for Thanksgiving  see what happens.


  1. Would love to see you if you do decide to come for dinner at Thanksgiving.

  2. Good to see you on the webernet, we don't care about your grammar. Get a good lawyer.

  3. Very happy to see you online, will add you to my blog spot so we can all be big fat dysfunctional electronic family. I am sorry about Donna. Ditto on lawyer, helps keep your head on straight. R

  4. Well come on down, we have this big ass turkey that I'll need some help with. Jordy and Donna are welcomed too.B.Y.O.B.B.B.B.B.B.B.When you head this way ,how about bringing my spray rig with you thanks. All the rest of you lost Idahodians are welcomed too, and don't worry there is enough turkey for all.Later RB

  5. So good to hear from you, but sorry that things are a little rocky. Love you, ej

  6. ...see, we're all here for you! Loving you from Seattle. ce

  7. Sorry to hear about Donna. :( Welcome to the blogger universe. As far as writing goes, practice makes perfect, right?
